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16.Huang, T., Li, M., Zhao, X. M., Mei, J. P., Chetwynd, D. G., Hu, S. J., Conceptual design and dimensional synthesis for a 3-DOF module of the TriVariant---a novel 5-DOF reconfigurable hybrid robot, IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 21(3): 449-456, 2005
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18.Li, M., Huang, T., Mei, J. P., Zhao, X. M, Chetwynd, D.G., Hu, S. J., Dynamic formulation and performance comparison of the 3-DOF modules of two reconfigurable PKMs---- The Tricept and The TriVariant, ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 127(6): 1129-1136, 2005
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21.Huang, T., Chetwynd, D.G, Mei, J. P., Tolerance design of a 2-DOF over-constrained translational parallel robot, IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 21(1): 167-172, 2006
22.Liu, H. T, Huang, T., Mei, J.P., Zhao, X.M, Chetwynd, D.G., Kinematic design of a 5-DOF hybrid robot with large workspace/limb-stroke ratio, ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 129(5): 530-538, 2007
23. Huang, T., Wang, P.F., Mei, J.P., Zhao, X. M., Chetwynd, D.G., Time minimum trajectory planning of a 2-DOF translational parallel robot for pick-and-place operations, CIRP Annals, 56(1): 365-368, 2007
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27. Li, Y.G., Liu, H.T., Zhao, X.M., Huang, T., Chetwynd, D.G., Design of a novel 3-DOF PKM module for large structure component machining, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 45(6):941-954, 2010.
28. Huang, T., Wang, P.F., Zhao, X.M., Chetwynd, D.G., Design of a 4-DOF hybrid PKM module for large structural component assembly, CIRP Annals ,59(1): 159-162, 2010.
29. Huang, T., Liu H.T., Chetwynd, D.G, Generalized Jacobian analysis of lower mobility manipulators, Mechanism and Machine Theory,46(6): 833-841, 2011
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33. Liu, S.T., Huang, T., Mei, J.P., Zhao, Z.M., Chetwynd, D. G., Optimal design of a 4-DOF SCARA type parallel robot using dynamic performance indices and angular constraints, ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 4(3): 031005.1-031005.10, 2012
34. Huang, T. Wang, M.X., Yang, S.F., Sun, T., Chetwynd, D.G., Force/Motion transmissibility analysis of six degree of freedom parallel mechanisms, ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 6(3), 010.1-0101.5,2014
35. Liu, H.T., Huang, T., Kecskeméthy,A.,Chetwynd,D.G., A generalized approach for computing the transmission index of parallel mechanisms, Mechanisms and Machine Theory, 74, 245-256, 2014.
36. Li Y.H., Ma, Y., Liu, S.T., Luo Z. J., Mei, J. P., Huang, T., Chetwynd D.G. Integrated design of a 4-DOF high-speed pick-and-place parallel robot, CIRP Annals, 63(1):185-188, 2014
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38. Huang, T., Yang, S.F., Wang, M.X. Sun, T., Chetwynd, D. G., An approach to determining the unknown twist/wrench subspaces of lower mobility serial kinematic chains, ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 7(3), 031003-1-031003-9, 2015.
39. Liu, H.T, Wang, M.X.,Huang, T., Chetwnd, D.G. , Kecskemethy, A., A dual space approach for force/Motion transmissibility analysis of lower mobility parallel manipulators, ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 7(8), 034504-1-034504-7, 2015.
40.Wang, M.X.,Liu, H.T.,Huang, T., Chetwynd, D.G., Compliance analysis of a 3-SPR parallel mechanism with consideration of gravity, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 84: 99-112, 2015.
41. Bai, P.J.,Mei, J.P., Huang, T., Chetwnd, D.G. , Kinematic calibration of Delta robot using distance measurements, IMechE Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2015, online available.